Rachel's Vineyard - Men and Abortion

The Rachel's Vineyard Men's Page

Redeeming a Father's Heart:
Men Share Powerful Stories of Abortion Loss and Recovery

Foreword by Fr Frank Pavone, Introduction by Kevin Burke, LSW with
Dave Wemhoff & Marvin Stockwell.

Redeeming a Father's Heart:

Redeeming A Father’s Heart presents the powerful stories of 10 courageous men with the common desire to present the truth of their abortion experience and the consequences of this life changing decision. These stories are exciting and moving testimonies that journey deep into the heart of male post abortion pain…ultimately revealing the miraculous manifestation of God’s saving power. Walk with these men as they share their abortion loss and learn about:

  • Suicide and Abortion
  • When Men have No Choice
  • The Impact on Men who Marry
    Post Abortive Women
  • The Powerful Connection Between Childhood Loss and Male Post Abortion Reactions
  • Sexual Addiction and Abortion
  • What Happens to a Family when
    Dad Pressures a Daughter to Abort
  • Depression and Complicated Grief in
    Men After Abortion

After you read these stories you will have a greater understanding and appreciation of male post abortion grief. Share Redeeming A Father’s Heart with friends, husbands, boyfriends, parents, brothers and any man or woman touched by abortion. As men read the experiences of other men, they will feel less isolated and confused. As they read about the power of God to restore and redeem this loss, they will be inspired to reach out for help.

This is a book to share with counselors, clergy, and medical professionals who may encounter suffering men with abortion in their history, and need to understand the importance of emotional and spiritual healing of this loss.

It is my hope and prayer that Redeeming A Father’s Heart will provides a voice for the countless men who struggle in silent isolation to understand their inner pain. Many may appear successful and in control, but beneath the surface there is an experience of loss, shame and guilt that cries out for repentance and release and a heart that longs for reconciliation and peace.

Redeeming A Father’s Heart reveals that nothing is beyond the capacity of God to heal and redeem.

I pray these stories provide a special roadmap for men and their loved ones, pointing the way to deeper understanding, hope and healing.

Redeeming A Father’s Heart: Please click here to order

Click here for an excerpt from Redeeming A Father’s Heart:


©2012 El Vinedo de Raquel